

更新日期:2022-02-23分类标签: 语言:中文平台:没限制

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#property copyright “Copyright ?2013, ForexMT4Systems.”
#property link “”

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 DarkSlateGray
#property indicator_color2 Blue //major bottom
#property indicator_color3 Red //major top
#property indicator_color4 LimeGreen //minor bottom
#property indicator_color5 PaleVioletRed //minor top
#property indicator_width1 4
#property indicator_width2 4
#property indicator_width3 4
#property indicator_width4 1
#property indicator_width5 1
#property indicator_minimum -1.2
#property indicator_maximum 1.2

extern int PriceActionFilter = 1;
extern int Length = 3;
extern int MajorCycleStrength = 4;
extern bool UseCycleFilter = false;
extern int UseFilterSMAorRSI = 1;
extern int FilterStrengthSMA = 12;
extern int FilterStrengthRSI = 21;
extern bool alertsOn = true;
extern bool alertsOnMajorCycle = true;
extern bool alertsOnMinorCycle = false;
extern bool alertsOnCurrent = false;
extern bool alertsMessage = true;
extern bool alertsSound = false;
extern bool alertsNotify = false;
extern bool alertsEmail = false;

extern bool arrowsVisible = true;
extern bool arrowsOnMajorCycle = true;
extern color arrowsMajorUpCycleColor = LimeGreen;
extern color arrowsMajorDnCycleColor = Red;
extern int arrowsMajorUpCycleCode = 241;
extern int arrowsMajorDnCycleCode = 242;
extern int arrowsMajorCycleSize = 2;

extern bool arrowsOnMinorCycle = true;
extern color arrowsMinorUpCycleColor = DeepSkyBlue;
extern color arrowsMinorDnCycleColor = PaleVioletRed;
extern int arrowsMinorUpCycleCode = 159;
extern int arrowsMinorDnCycleCode = 159;
extern int arrowsMinorCycleSize = 5;

extern string arrowsIdentifier = “ci arrows1″;
extern double arrowsUpperGap = 1.0;
extern double arrowsLowerGap = 1.0;

double LineBuffer[];
double MajorCycleBuy[];
double MajorCycleSell[];
double MinorCycleBuy[];
double MinorCycleSell[];
double ZL1[];

double CyclePrice = 0.0, Strength =0.0, SweepA = 0.0, SweepB = 0.0;
int Switch = 0, Switch2 = 0, SwitchA = 0, SwitchB = 0, SwitchC = 0, SwitchD = 0, SwitchE = 0, SwitchAA = 0, SwitchBB = 0;
double Price1BuyA = 0.0, Price2BuyA = 0.0;
int Price1BuyB = 1.0, Price2BuyB = 1.0;
double Price1SellA = 0.0, Price2SellA = 0.0;
int Price1SellB = 0.0, Price2SellB = 0.0;
bool ActiveSwitch = True, BuySwitchA = FALSE, BuySwitchB = FALSE, SellSwitchA = FALSE, SellSwitchB = FALSE;
int BuySellFac = 01;
bool Condition1, Condition2, Condition3, Condition6;

int SignalIndex = 0;
int init() {







int deinit()


int start() {
int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
// if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars–;
// int position=Bars-1;
int position=Bars-counted_bars;
if (position<0) position=0;

int rnglength = 250;
double range = 0.0, srange = 0.0;
for (int pos = position; pos >=0; pos–)
srange = 0.0;
int j = 0;
for (int i=0;i<rnglength;i++)
int posr = pos + i;
if (posr >= Bars)

srange = srange + (High[posr] – Low[posr]);
range = srange / j * Length;
int BarNumber = Bars-pos; //??????????
if (BarNumber < 0)
BarNumber = 0;

CyclePrice = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos);

if (UseFilterSMAorRSI == 1)
ZL1[pos] = ZeroLag(CyclePrice,FilterStrengthSMA, pos);
if (UseFilterSMAorRSI == 2)
ZL1[pos] = ZeroLag( iRSI(NULL, 0, 14, CyclePrice, FilterStrengthRSI ), FilterStrengthRSI, pos);

if (ZL1[pos] > ZL1[pos+1])
SwitchC = 1;
if (ZL1[pos] < ZL1[pos+1])
SwitchC = 2;

if (BarNumber <= 1)
if (Strength == 0)
SweepA = range;
SweepA = Strength;
Price1BuyA = CyclePrice;
Price1SellA = CyclePrice;

/* ***************************************************************** */

if (BarNumber > 1)
if (Switch > -1)
if (CyclePrice < Price1BuyA)

if (UseCycleFilter && (SwitchC == 2) && BuySwitchA )
MinorCycleBuy[pos + BarNumber – Price1BuyB] = 0; //MinorBuySell
LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber – Price1BuyB ] = 0; //line

if (!UseCycleFilter && BuySwitchA)
MinorCycleBuy[pos +BarNumber – Price1BuyB] = 0;
LineBuffer[pos +BarNumber – Price1BuyB] = 0;
Price1BuyA = CyclePrice;
Price1BuyB = BarNumber;
BuySwitchA = TRUE;
else if (CyclePrice > Price1BuyA)

SwitchA = BarNumber – Price1BuyB;

if (!UseCycleFilter)
MinorCycleBuy[pos +SwitchA] = -1;//MinorBuySell – DarkGreen
LineBuffer[pos +SwitchA] = -1;//line

if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC == 1)
MinorCycleBuy[pos +SwitchA] = -1; //MinorBuySell
LineBuffer[pos +SwitchA] = -1; //line
SwitchD = 1;
SwitchD = 0;

BuySwitchA = TRUE;

double cyclePrice1 = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos + SwitchA);
if (ActiveSwitch)
Condition1 = CyclePrice – cyclePrice1 >= SweepA;
Condition1 = CyclePrice >= cyclePrice1 * (1 + SweepA / 1000);
if (Condition1 && SwitchA >= BuySellFac)
Switch = – 1;
Price1SellA = CyclePrice;
Price1SellB = BarNumber;
SellSwitchA = FALSE;
BuySwitchA = FALSE;
if(Switch < 1)
if (CyclePrice > Price1SellA)
if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC == 1 && SellSwitchA )
MinorCycleSell[pos +BarNumber – Price1SellB] = 0; //MinorBuySell
LineBuffer[pos +BarNumber – Price1SellB ] = 0; //line
if (!UseCycleFilter && SellSwitchA )
MinorCycleSell[pos +BarNumber – Price1SellB] = 0;//MinorBuySell
LineBuffer[pos +BarNumber – Price1SellB] = 0;//line
Price1SellA = CyclePrice;
Price1SellB = BarNumber;
SellSwitchA = TRUE;
else if (CyclePrice < Price1SellA)
SwitchA = BarNumber – Price1SellB;
if (!UseCycleFilter)
MinorCycleSell[pos +SwitchA] = 1; // MinorBuySell darkRed
LineBuffer[pos +SwitchA] = 1; //”CycleLine”
if (UseCycleFilter && (SwitchC == 2))
MinorCycleSell[pos +SwitchA] = 1;//MinorBuySell darkRed
LineBuffer[pos +SwitchA] = 1;//CycleLine
SwitchD = 2;
SwitchD = 0;

SellSwitchA = TRUE;
double cyclePrice2 = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos + SwitchA);

if (ActiveSwitch)
Condition1 = (cyclePrice2 – CyclePrice) >= SweepA;
Condition1 = CyclePrice <= (cyclePrice2 * (1 – SweepA / 1000));

if (Condition1 && SwitchA >= BuySellFac)
Switch = 1;
Price1BuyA = CyclePrice;
Price1BuyB = BarNumber;
SellSwitchA = FALSE;
BuySwitchA = FALSE;

LineBuffer[pos] = 0;
MinorCycleBuy[pos] = 0;
MinorCycleSell[pos] = 0;

if (BarNumber == 1)
if (Strength == 0)
SweepB = range * MajorCycleStrength;
SweepB = Strength * MajorCycleStrength;

Price2BuyA = CyclePrice;
Price2SellA = CyclePrice;

if (BarNumber > 1)
if (Switch2 > – 1)
if (CyclePrice < Price2BuyA)
if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC == 2 && BuySwitchB )
MajorCycleBuy [pos +BarNumber – Price2BuyB] = 0; //MajorBuySell,green
// LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber – Price2BuyB ] = 0; //line —–
if (!UseCycleFilter && BuySwitchB )
MajorCycleBuy [pos +BarNumber – Price2BuyB] = 0;//MajorBuySell,green
// LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber – Price2BuyB ] = 0; //line———–
Price2BuyA = CyclePrice;
Price2BuyB = BarNumber;
BuySwitchB = TRUE;
else if (CyclePrice > Price2BuyA)
SwitchB = BarNumber – Price2BuyB;

if (!UseCycleFilter)
MajorCycleBuy [pos +SwitchB] = -1; //MajorBuySell green
// LineBuffer[pos + SwitchB] = -1; //line————–
if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC == 1)
MajorCycleBuy [pos +SwitchB] = -1; //MajorBuySell green
// LineBuffer[pos + SwitchB] = -1; //line—————–
SwitchE = 1;
SwitchE = 0;

BuySwitchB = TRUE;
double cyclePrice3 = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos + SwitchB);
if (ActiveSwitch)
Condition6 = CyclePrice – cyclePrice3 >= SweepB;
Condition6 = CyclePrice >= cyclePrice3 * (1 + SweepB / 1000);

if (Condition6 && SwitchB >= BuySellFac)
Switch2 = – 1;
Price2SellA = CyclePrice;
Price2SellB = BarNumber;
SellSwitchB = FALSE;
BuySwitchB = FALSE;

if (Switch2 < 1)
if (CyclePrice > Price2SellA )
if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC == 1 && SellSwitchB )
MajorCycleSell [pos +BarNumber – Price2SellB] = 0; //”MajorBuySell”,red
// LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber – Price2SellB ] = 0; //line —–
if (!UseCycleFilter && SellSwitchB )
MajorCycleSell [pos +BarNumber – Price2SellB] = 0;//”MajorBuySell”,red
// LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber – Price2SellB ] = 0; //line —–
Price2SellA = CyclePrice;
Price2SellB = BarNumber;
SellSwitchB = TRUE;
else if (CyclePrice < Price2SellA)
SwitchB = BarNumber – Price2SellB ;

if (!UseCycleFilter)
MajorCycleSell[pos + SwitchB] = 1; //”MajorBuySell”,red
// LineBuffer[pos + SwitchB ] = 1; //line —–
if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC == 2)
MajorCycleSell [pos + SwitchB] = 1; //”MajorBuySell”,red
// LineBuffer[pos + SwitchB ] = 1; //line —–
SwitchE = 2;
SwitchE = 0;

SellSwitchB = TRUE;
double cyclePrice4 = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos + SwitchB);
if (ActiveSwitch)
Condition6 = cyclePrice4 – CyclePrice >= SweepB;
Condition6 = CyclePrice <= cyclePrice4 * (1.0 – SweepB / 1000.0);

if (Condition6 && SwitchB >= BuySellFac)
Switch2 = 1;
Price2BuyA = CyclePrice;
Price2BuyB = BarNumber;
SellSwitchB = FALSE;
BuySwitchB = FALSE;
LineBuffer[pos] = 0;
MajorCycleSell[pos] = 0;
MajorCycleBuy[pos] = 0;

for (pos = position; pos >=0; pos–)
if (arrowsVisible)
string lookFor = arrowsIdentifier+”:”+Time[pos]; ObjectDelete(lookFor);
if (arrowsOnMajorCycle)
if (MajorCycleBuy[pos] != 0 && MajorCycleBuy[pos+1] == 0) drawArrow(“1”,0.5,pos,arrowsMajorUpCycleColor,arrowsMajorUpCycleCode,arrowsMajorCycleSize,false);
if (MajorCycleSell[pos] != 0 && MajorCycleSell[pos+1] == 0) drawArrow(“1”,0.5,pos,arrowsMajorDnCycleColor,arrowsMajorDnCycleCode,arrowsMajorCycleSize, true);
if (arrowsOnMinorCycle)
if (MinorCycleBuy[pos] != 0 && MinorCycleBuy[pos+1] == 0) drawArrow(“2”,1,pos,arrowsMinorUpCycleColor,arrowsMinorUpCycleCode,arrowsMinorCycleSize,false);
if (MinorCycleSell[pos] != 0 && MinorCycleSell[pos+1] == 0) drawArrow(“2”,1,pos,arrowsMinorDnCycleColor,arrowsMinorDnCycleCode,arrowsMinorCycleSize, true);




if (alertsOn)
if (alertsOnCurrent)
int whichBar = 0;
else whichBar = 1;


static string type1 = “”;
static datetime time1 = 0;
if (alertsOnMajorCycle)
if (MajorCycleBuy[whichBar] != 0 && MajorCycleBuy[whichBar+1] == 0) doAlert(type1,time1,” ForexMT4Systems Cycle Buy”);
if (MajorCycleSell[whichBar] != 0 && MajorCycleSell[whichBar+1] == 0) doAlert(type1,time1,” ForexMT4Systems Cycle Sell”);
static string type2 = “”;
static datetime time2 = 0;
if (alertsOnMinorCycle)
if (MinorCycleBuy[whichBar] != 0 && MinorCycleBuy[whichBar+1] == 0) doAlert(type2,time2,” ForexMT4Systems Cycle Buy”);
if (MinorCycleSell[whichBar] != 0 && MinorCycleSell[whichBar+1] == 0) doAlert(type2,time2,” ForexMT4Systems Cycle Sell”);




double ZeroLag(double price, int length, int pos)
if (length < 3)
double aa = MathExp(-1.414*3.14159 / length);
double bb = 2*aa*MathCos(1.414*180 / length);
double CB = bb;
double CC = -aa*aa;
double CA = 1 – CB – CC;
double CD = CA*price + CB*ZL1[pos+1] + CC*ZL1[pos+2];


void doAlert(string& previousAlert, datetime& previousTime, string doWhat)
string message;

if (previousAlert != doWhat || previousTime != Time[0]) {
previousAlert = doWhat;
previousTime = Time[0];


message = StringConcatenate(Symbol(),” at “,TimeToStr(TimeLocal(),TIME_SECONDS),” Cycle identifier “,doWhat);
if (alertsMessage) Alert(message);
if (alertsNotify) SendNotification(message);
if (alertsEmail) SendMail(StringConcatenate(Symbol(),” Cycle identifier “),message);
if (alertsSound) PlaySound(“alert2.wav”);


void drawArrow(string nameAdd, double gapMul, int i,color theColor,int theCode,int theWidth,bool up)
string name = arrowsIdentifier+”:”+nameAdd+”:”+Time[i];
double gap = iATR(NULL,0,20,i)*gapMul;


if (up)
ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_PRICE1,High[i] + arrowsUpperGap * gap);
else ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_PRICE1,Low[i] – arrowsLowerGap * gap);


void deleteArrows()
string lookFor = arrowsIdentifier+”:”;
int lookForLength = StringLen(lookFor);
for (int i=ObjectsTotal()-1; i>=0; i–)
string objectName = ObjectName(i);
if (StringSubstr(objectName,0,lookForLength) == lookFor) ObjectDelete(objectName);




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