Digital Absolute Arrow

Digital Absolute Arrow最新版

更新日期:2022-03-02分类标签: 语言:中文平台:没限制

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#property copyright “”
#property link “”

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_color1 RoyalBlue
#property indicator_color2 Coral
#property indicator_width1 1
#property indicator_width2 1
#property indicator_color3 RoyalBlue
#property indicator_color4 Coral
#property indicator_width3 3
#property indicator_width4 3


//—- indicator parameters

extern int TimeFrame = 0; // TimeFrame in min
extern int MathMode = 1; // Math method: 0-RSI;1-Stoch;2-DMI;3-MACD
extern int Price = 0; // Price = 0…10 (see List of Prices)
extern int Length = 9; // Period of evaluation
extern int PreSmooth = 1; // Period of PreSmoothing
extern int Smooth = 1; // Period of smoothing
extern int MA_Method = 0; // See list above
extern int LevelsMode = 0; // Levels Mode: 0-Standard OverBought/OverSold
// 1-StdDev Bands
// 2-High/Low Channel
extern double StrengthLevel = 70; // Strength Level (ex.70)
extern double WeaknessLevel = 30; // Weakness Level (ex.30)
extern int LookBackPeriod = 20; // LookBack Period for LevelsMode=1,2
extern double UpperMultiplier = 1; // Upper Band Multiplier for LevelsMode=1
extern double LowerMultiplier = 1; // Lower Band Multiplier for LevelsMode=1

extern string alerts = “— Alerts & Emails —“;
extern int AlertMode = 0;
extern int SoundsNumber = 5; // Number of sounds after Signal
extern int SoundsPause = 5; // Pause in sec between sounds
extern string UpSound = “alert.wav”;
extern string DnSound = “alert2.wav”;
extern int EmailMode = 0; // 0-on,1-off
extern int EmailsNumber = 1; // 0-on,1-off

//—- indicator buffers
double upSignal[];
double dnSignal[];
double upTrend[];
double dnTrend[];
double Bulls[];
double Bears[];
double lbulls[];
double lbears[];
double tmp[][8][2], ma[8][3], bulls[], bears[], mMA[2], mLo[2], smin[2], smax[2], HiArray[], LoArray[];
int draw_begin, masize, trend[3];

string TF, IndicatorName, short_name, math_name, price_name, maname, zone_name, prevmess, prevemail;

double upsum, dnsum, _point;
datetime prevtime[8], ptime, preTime;
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
if(TimeFrame <= Period()) TimeFrame = Period();
TF = tf(TimeFrame);


//—- indicator buffers mapping
SetIndexBuffer(0,upSignal); SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW); SetIndexArrow(0,233);
SetIndexBuffer(1,dnSignal); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW); SetIndexArrow(1,234);
SetIndexBuffer(2, upTrend); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
SetIndexBuffer(3, dnTrend); SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
SetIndexBuffer(4, Bulls);
SetIndexBuffer(5, Bears);
SetIndexBuffer(6, lbulls);
SetIndexBuffer(7, lbears);

//—- indicator name
case 0 : price_name = “Close”; break;
case 1 : price_name = “Open”; break;
case 2 : price_name = “High”; break;
case 3 : price_name = “Low”; break;
case 4 : price_name = “Median”; break;
case 5 : price_name = “Typical”; break;
case 6 : price_name = “Weighted Close”; break;

switch(MathMode) {
case 0 : math_name = “RSI”; break;
case 1 : math_name = “Stoch”; break;
case 2 : math_name = “DMI”; break;

maname = averageName(MA_Method, masize);

IndicatorName = WindowExpertName();

short_name = “[” + TF + “](“+ math_name + “,” + price_name + “,” + Length + “,” + PreSmooth + “,” + Smooth + “,” + maname + “,” + LevelsMode+”)”;

IndicatorShortName(IndicatorName + short_name);


draw_begin = Bars – iBars(NULL,TimeFrame)*TimeFrame/Period() + Length + PreSmooth + Smooth + LookBackPeriod;

ArrayResize(tmp , masize);

_point = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT)*MathPow(10,Digits%2);
//—- initialization done


int deinit() {Comment(“”); return(0);}

//| AllAbsoluteStrengthTrend_v1 |
int start() {
int limit, i, shift, counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();

if (counted_bars > 0) limit=Bars-counted_bars-1;
if (counted_bars < 0) return(0);
if (counted_bars < 1) {
limit = Bars-1;
for(i=limit;i>=0;i–) {
upSignal[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
dnSignal[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
upTrend[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
dnTrend[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;

if(TimeFrame != Period())
limit = MathMax(limit,TimeFrame/Period());

for(shift = 0;shift < limit;shift++)
int y = iBarShift(NULL,TimeFrame,Time[shift]);

upSignal[shift] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,IndicatorName,0,MathMode,Price,Length,PreSmooth,Smooth,MA_Method,LevelsMode,StrengthLevel,WeaknessLevel,LookBackPeriod,UpperMultiplier,LowerMultiplier,
dnSignal[shift] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,IndicatorName,0,MathMode,Price,Length,PreSmooth,Smooth,MA_Method,LevelsMode,StrengthLevel,WeaknessLevel,LookBackPeriod,UpperMultiplier,LowerMultiplier,

upTrend[shift] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,IndicatorName,0,MathMode,Price,Length,PreSmooth,Smooth,MA_Method,LevelsMode,StrengthLevel,WeaknessLevel,LookBackPeriod,UpperMultiplier,LowerMultiplier,
dnTrend[shift] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,IndicatorName,0,MathMode,Price,Length,PreSmooth,Smooth,MA_Method,LevelsMode,StrengthLevel,WeaknessLevel,LookBackPeriod,UpperMultiplier,LowerMultiplier,


else _AllAbsStrength(limit);


void _AllAbsStrength(int limit)
double upPivot, dnPivot;

if(ArraySize(bulls) != Bars)
ArraySetAsSeries(bulls,false); ArraySetAsSeries(bears,false);
ArrayResize(bulls,Bars); ArrayResize(bears,Bars);
ArraySetAsSeries(bulls,true); ArraySetAsSeries(bears,true);

for(int shift=limit;shift>=0;shift–)
if(ptime != Time[shift])
mMA[1] = mMA[0];
mLo[1] = mLo[0];
smin[1] = smin[0];
smax[1] = smax[0];
trend[2] = trend[1];
trend[1] = trend[0];
ptime = Time[shift];

if(MathMode < 2) int price = Price; else price = 2;

mMA[0] = allAverages(0,price,PreSmooth,MA_Method,masize,shift);

if(shift < Bars-2)
if (MathMode == 0)
bulls[shift] = 0.5*(MathAbs(mMA[0] – mMA[1]) + (mMA[0] – mMA[1]));
bears[shift] = 0.5*(MathAbs(mMA[0] – mMA[1]) – (mMA[0] – mMA[1]));
if (MathMode == 1)
double up = 0;
double dn = 10000000000;
for(int i=0;i<Length;i++)
up = MathMax(up,High[shift+i]);
dn = MathMin(dn,Low [shift+i]);
bulls[shift] = mMA[0] – dn;
bears[shift] = up – mMA[0];
if (MathMode == 2)
mLo[0] = allAverages(1,3,PreSmooth,MA_Method,masize,shift);

bulls[shift] = MathMax(0,0.5*(MathAbs(mMA[0]-mMA[1])+(mMA[0]-mMA[1])));
bears[shift] = MathMax(0,0.5*(MathAbs(mLo[1]-mLo[0])+(mLo[1]-mLo[0])));

if (bulls[shift] > bears[shift]) bears[shift] = 0;
if (bulls[shift] < bears[shift]) bulls[shift] = 0;
if (bulls[shift] == bears[shift]) {bulls[shift] = 0; bears[shift] = 0;}

if(MathMode == 1) int len = 1; else len = Length;

lbulls[shift] = allAveragesOnArray(2,bulls,len,MA_Method,masize,shift);
lbears[shift] = allAveragesOnArray(3,bears,len,MA_Method,masize,shift);

Bulls[shift] = allAveragesOnArray(4,lbulls,Smooth,MA_Method,masize,shift)/_point;
Bears[shift] = allAveragesOnArray(5,lbears,Smooth,MA_Method,masize,shift)/_point;

if(LevelsMode == 0)
if(StrengthLevel > 0) double strength = StrengthLevel/100*(Bulls[shift] + Bears[shift]);
if(WeaknessLevel > 0) double weakness = WeaknessLevel/100*(Bulls[shift] + Bears[shift]);
if(LevelsMode == 1 && shift < Bars – (LookBackPeriod+Length))
for(int j = 0; j < LookBackPeriod; j++)
HiArray[j] = MathMax(Bulls[shift+j],Bears[shift+j]);
LoArray[j] = MathMin(Bulls[shift+j],Bears[shift+j]);

if(UpperMultiplier > 0) strength = SMAOnArray(HiArray,LookBackPeriod,0) + UpperMultiplier*stdDev(HiArray,LookBackPeriod);
if(LowerMultiplier > 0) weakness = SMAOnArray(LoArray,LookBackPeriod,0) – LowerMultiplier*stdDev(LoArray,LookBackPeriod);
if(LevelsMode == 2 && shift < Bars -(LookBackPeriod + Length))
for(j = 0; j < LookBackPeriod; j++)
HiArray[j] = MathMax(Bulls[shift+j],Bears[shift+j]);
LoArray[j] = MathMin(Bulls[shift+j],Bears[shift+j]);

upPivot = getPivots(2,HiArray,LookBackPeriod,0);
dnPivot = getPivots(3,LoArray,LookBackPeriod,0);

smax[0] = upPivot;
smin[0] = dnPivot;

strength = smax[0] – (smax[0] – smin[0])*(1 – StrengthLevel/100);
weakness = smin[0] + (smax[0] – smin[0])*WeaknessLevel/100;

trend[0] = trend[1];
if(Bulls[shift] > strength && Bulls[shift] > Bears[shift]) trend[0] = 1;
if(Bears[shift] > strength && Bulls[shift] < Bears[shift]) trend[0] =-1;

upSignal[shift] = EMPTY_VALUE;
dnSignal[shift] = EMPTY_VALUE;
upTrend[shift] = EMPTY_VALUE;
dnTrend[shift] = EMPTY_VALUE;

double delta = 0.5*iATR(NULL,0,10,shift);

if(trend[0] > 0)
if(trend[1] < 0) upSignal[shift] = Low[shift] – delta;
if(Bulls[shift] > Bears[shift])
upTrend[shift] = MathMax(Open[shift],Close[shift]);
dnTrend[shift] = MathMin(Open[shift],Close[shift]);
if(trend[0] < 0)
if(trend[1] > 0) dnSignal[shift] = High[shift] + delta;
if(Bears[shift] > Bulls[shift])
upTrend[shift] = MathMin(Open[shift],Close[shift]);
dnTrend[shift] = MathMax(Open[shift],Close[shift]);

if(AlertMode > 0)
bool uptrend = trend[1] > 0 && trend[2] <= 0;
bool dntrend = trend[1] < 0 && trend[2] >= 0;

if(uptrend || dntrend)
BoxAlert(uptrend,” : BUY Signal at ” +DoubleToStr(Close[1],Digits)+”, StopLoss at “+DoubleToStr(upSignal[1],Digits));
BoxAlert(dntrend,” : SELL Signal at “+DoubleToStr(Close[1],Digits)+”, StopLoss at “+DoubleToStr(dnSignal[1],Digits));


if(EmailMode > 0)
EmailAlert(uptrend,”BUY” ,” : BUY Signal at ” +DoubleToStr(Close[1],Digits)+”, StopLoss at “+DoubleToStr(upSignal[1],Digits),EmailsNumber);
EmailAlert(dntrend,”SELL”,” : SELL Signal at “+DoubleToStr(Close[1],Digits)+”, StopLoss at “+DoubleToStr(dnSignal[1],Digits),EmailsNumber);


string averageName(int mode,int& arraysize)
string ma_name = “”;

case 1 : ma_name=”EMA” ; break;
case 2 : ma_name=”Wilder” ; break;
case 3 : ma_name=”LWMA” ; break;
case 4 : ma_name=”SineWMA” ; break;
case 5 : ma_name=”TriMA” ; break;
case 6 : ma_name=”LSMA” ; break;
case 7 : ma_name=”SMMA” ; break;
case 8 : ma_name=”HMA” ; break;
case 9 : ma_name=”ZeroLagEMA”; break;
case 10: ma_name=”DEMA” ; arraysize = 2; break;
case 11: ma_name=”T3 basic” ; arraysize = 6; break;
case 12: ma_name=”InstTrend” ; break;
case 13: ma_name=”Median” ; break;
case 14: ma_name=”GeoMean” ; break;
case 15: ma_name=”REMA” ; break;
case 16: ma_name=”ILRS” ; break;
case 17: ma_name=”IE/2″ ; break;
case 18: ma_name=”TriMA_gen” ; break;
case 19: ma_name=”VWMA” ; break;
case 20: ma_name=”JSmooth” ; arraysize = 5; break;
case 21: ma_name=”SMA_eq” ; break;
case 22: ma_name=”ALMA” ; break;
case 23: ma_name=”TEMA” ; arraysize = 4; break;
case 24: ma_name=”T3″ ; arraysize = 6; break;
case 25: ma_name=”Laguerre” ; arraysize = 4; break;
default: ma_name=”SMA”;



double allAverages(int index,int price,int period,int mode,int arraysize,int bar)
double MA[3];

if(prevtime[index] != Time[bar])
ma[index][2] = ma[index][1];
ma[index][1] = ma[index][0];
for(int i=0;i<arraysize;i++) tmp[i][index][1] = tmp[i][index][0];

prevtime[index] = Time[bar];

for(i=0;i<3;i++) MA[i] = ma[index][i];

case 1 : ma[index][0] = EMA(price,ma[index][1],period,bar); break;
case 2 : ma[index][0] = Wilder(price,ma[index][1],period,bar); break;
case 3 : ma[index][0] = LWMA(price,period,bar); break;
case 4 : ma[index][0] = SineWMA(price,period,bar); break;
case 5 : ma[index][0] = TriMA(price,period,bar); break;
case 6 : ma[index][0] = LSMA(price,period,bar); break;
case 7 : ma[index][0] = SMMA(price,ma[index][1],period,bar); break;
case 8 : ma[index][0] = HMA(price,period,bar); break;
case 9 : ma[index][0] = ZeroLagEMA(price,ma[index][1],period,bar); break;
case 10: ma[index][0] = DEMA(index,0,price,period,1,bar); break;
case 11: ma[index][0] = T3_basic(index,0,price,period,0.7,bar); break;
case 12: ma[index][0] = ITrend(price,MA,period,bar); break;
case 13: ma[index][0] = Median(price,period,bar); break;
case 14: ma[index][0] = GeoMean(price,period,bar); break;
case 15: ma[index][0] = REMA(price,MA,period,0.5,bar); break;
case 16: ma[index][0] = ILRS(price,period,bar); break;
case 17: ma[index][0] = IE2(price,period,bar); break;
case 18: ma[index][0] = TriMA_gen(price,period,bar); break;
case 19: ma[index][0] = VWMA(price,period,bar); break;
case 20: ma[index][0] = JSmooth(index,0,price,period,1,bar); break;
case 21: ma[index][0] = SMA_eq(price,MA,period,bar); break;
case 22: ma[index][0] = ALMA(price,period,0.85,8,bar); break;
case 23: ma[index][0] = TEMA(index,price,period,1,bar); break;
case 24: ma[index][0] = T3(index,0,price,period,0.7,bar); break;
case 25: ma[index][0] = Laguerre(index,price,period,4,bar); break;
default: ma[index][0] = SMA(price,period,bar); break;


double allAveragesOnArray(int index,double& price[],int period,int mode,int arraysize,int bar)
double MA[3];

if(prevtime[index] != Time[bar])
ma[index][2] = ma[index][1];
ma[index][1] = ma[index][0];
for(int i=0;i<arraysize;i++) tmp[i][index][1] = tmp[i][index][0];

prevtime[index] = Time[bar];

for(i=0;i<3;i++) MA[i] = ma[index][i];

case 1 : ma[index][0] = EMAOnArray(price[bar],ma[index][1],period,bar); break;
case 2 : ma[index][0] = WilderOnArray(price[bar],ma[index][1],period,bar); break;
case 3 : ma[index][0] = LWMAOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 4 : ma[index][0] = SineWMAOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 5 : ma[index][0] = TriMAOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 6 : ma[index][0] = LSMAOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 7 : ma[index][0] = SMMAOnArray(price,ma[index][1],period,bar); break;
case 8 : ma[index][0] = HMAOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 9 : ma[index][0] = ZeroLagEMAOnArray(price,ma[index][1],period,bar); break;
case 10: ma[index][0] = DEMAOnArray(index,0,price[bar],period,1,bar); break;
case 11: ma[index][0] = T3_basicOnArray(index,0,price[bar],period,0.7,bar); break;
case 12: ma[index][0] = ITrendOnArray(price,MA,period,bar); break;
case 13: ma[index][0] = MedianOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 14: ma[index][0] = GeoMeanOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 15: ma[index][0] = REMAOnArray(price[bar],MA,period,0.5,bar); break;
case 16: ma[index][0] = ILRSOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 17: ma[index][0] = IE2OnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 18: ma[index][0] = TriMA_genOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 19: ma[index][0] = VWMAOnArray(price,period,bar); break;
case 20: ma[index][0] = JSmoothOnArray(index,0,price[bar],period,1,bar); break;
case 21: ma[index][0] = SMA_eqOnArray(price,MA,period,bar); break;
case 22: ma[index][0] = ALMAOnArray(price,period,0.85,8,bar); break;
case 23: ma[index][0] = TEMAOnArray(index,price[bar],period,1,bar); break;
case 24: ma[index][0] = T3OnArray(index,0,price[bar],period,0.7,bar); break;
case 25: ma[index][0] = LaguerreOnArray(index,price[bar],period,4,bar); break;
default: ma[index][0] = SMAOnArray(price,period,bar); break;



// MA_Method=0: SMA – Simple Moving Average
double SMA(int price,int per,int bar)
double Sum = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < per;i++) Sum += iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+i);


double SMAOnArray(double& array[],int per,int bar)
double Sum = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < per;i++) Sum += array[bar+i];


// MA_Method=1: EMA – Exponential Moving Average
double EMA(int price,double prev,int per,int bar)
if(bar >= Bars – 2) double ema = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);
ema = prev + 2.0/(1+per)*(iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar) – prev);


double EMAOnArray(double price,double prev,int per,int bar)
if(bar >= Bars – 2) double ema = price;
ema = prev + 2.0/(1+per)*(price – prev);


// MA_Method=2: Wilder – Wilder Exponential Moving Average
double Wilder(int price,double prev,int per,int bar)
if(bar >= Bars – 2) double wilder = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar); //SMA(array1,per,bar);
wilder = prev + (iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar) – prev)/per;


double WilderOnArray(double price,double prev,int per,int bar)
if(bar >= Bars – 2) double wilder = price; //SMA(array1,per,bar);
wilder = prev + (price – prev)/per;


// MA_Method=3: LWMA – Linear Weighted Moving Average
double LWMA(int price,int per,int bar)
double Sum = 0;
double Weight = 0;

for(int i = 0;i < per;i++)
Weight+= (per – i);
Sum += iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+i)*(per – i);
if(Weight>0) double lwma = Sum/Weight;
else lwma = 0;

double LWMAOnArray(double& array[],int per,int bar)
double Sum = 0;
double Weight = 0;

for(int i = 0;i < per;i++)
Weight+= (per – i);
Sum += array[bar+i]*(per – i);
if(Weight>0) double lwma = Sum/Weight;
else lwma = 0;

// MA_Method=4: SineWMA – Sine Weighted Moving Average
double SineWMA(int price,int per,int bar)
double pi = 3.1415926535;
double Sum = 0;
double Weight = 0;

for(int i = 0;i < per;i++)
Weight+= MathSin(pi*(i+1)/(per+1));
Sum += iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+i)*MathSin(pi*(i+1)/(per+1));
if(Weight>0) double swma = Sum/Weight;
else swma = 0;

double SineWMAOnArray(double& array[],int per,int bar)
double pi = 3.1415926535;
double Sum = 0;
double Weight = 0;

for(int i = 0;i < per;i++)
Weight+= MathSin(pi*(i+1)/(per+1));
Sum += array[bar+i]*MathSin(pi*(i+1)/(per+1));
if(Weight>0) double swma = Sum/Weight;
else swma = 0;

// MA_Method=5: TriMA – Triangular Moving Average
double TriMA(int price,int per,int bar)
double sma;
int len = MathCeil((per+1)*0.5);

double sum=0;
for(int i = 0;i < len;i++)
sma = SMA(price,len,bar+i);
sum += sma;
double trima = sum/len;


double TriMAOnArray(double& array[],int per,int bar)
double sma;
int len = MathCeil((per+1)*0.5);

double sum=0;
for(int i = 0;i < len;i++)
sma = SMAOnArray(array,len,bar+i);
sum += sma;
double trima = sum/len;


// MA_Method=6: LSMA – Least Square Moving Average (or EPMA, Linear Regression Line)
double LSMA(int price,int per,int bar)
double Sum=0;
for(int i=per; i>=1; i–) Sum += (i-(per+1)/3.0)*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+per-i);
double lsma = Sum*6/(per*(per+1));

double LSMAOnArray(double& array[],int per,int bar)
double Sum=0;
for(int i=per; i>=1; i–) Sum += (i-(per+1)/3.0)*array[bar+per-i];
double lsma = Sum*6/(per*(per+1));

// MA_Method=7: SMMA – Smoothed Moving Average
double SMMA(int price,double prev,int per,int bar)
if(bar == Bars – per) double smma = SMA(price,per,bar);
if(bar < Bars – per)
double Sum = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < per;i++) Sum += iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+i+1);
smma = (Sum – prev + iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar))/per;


double SMMAOnArray(double& array[],double prev,int per,int bar)
if(bar == Bars – per) double smma = SMAOnArray(array,per,bar);
if(bar < Bars – per)
double Sum = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < per;i++) Sum += array[bar+i+1];
smma = (Sum – prev + array[bar])/per;


// MA_Method=8: HMA – Hull Moving Average by Alan Hull
double HMA(int price,int per,int bar)
double hma_tmp[];
int len = MathSqrt(per);


if(bar == Bars – per) double hma = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);
if(bar < Bars – per)
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) hma_tmp[i] = 2*LWMA(price,per/2,bar+i) – LWMA(price,per,bar+i);
hma = LWMAOnArray(hma_tmp,len,0);


double HMAOnArray(double& array[],int per,int bar)
double hma_tmp[];
int len = MathSqrt(per);


if(bar == Bars – per) double hma = array[bar];
if(bar < Bars – per)
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) hma_tmp[i] = 2*LWMAOnArray(array,per/2,bar+i) – LWMAOnArray(array,per,bar+i);
hma = LWMAOnArray(hma_tmp,len,0);


// MA_Method=9: ZeroLagEMA – Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average
double ZeroLagEMA(int price,double prev,int per,int bar)
double alfa = 2.0/(1+per);
int lag = 0.5*(per – 1);

if(bar >= Bars – lag) double zema = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);
zema = alfa*(2*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar) – iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+lag)) + (1-alfa)*prev;


double ZeroLagEMAOnArray(double& price[],double prev,int per,int bar)
double alfa = 2.0/(1+per);
int lag = 0.5*(per – 1);

if(bar >= Bars – lag) double zema = price[bar];
zema = alfa*(2*price[bar] – price[bar+lag]) + (1-alfa)*prev;


// MA_Method=10: DEMA – Double Exponential Moving Average by Patrick Mulloy
double DEMA(int index,int num,int price,double per,double v,int bar)
double alpha = 2.0/(1+per);
if(bar == Bars – 2) {double dema = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar); tmp[num][index][0] = dema; tmp[num+1][index][0] = dema;}
if(bar < Bars – 2)
tmp[num ][index][0] = tmp[num ][index][1] + alpha*(iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar) – tmp[num ][index][1]);
tmp[num+1][index][0] = tmp[num+1][index][1] + alpha*(tmp[num][index][0] – tmp[num+1][index][1]);
dema = tmp[num ][index][0]*(1+v) – tmp[num+1][index][0]*v;


double DEMAOnArray(int index,int num,double price,double per,double v,int bar)
double alpha = 2.0/(1+per);
if(bar == Bars – 2) {double dema = price; tmp[num][index][0] = dema; tmp[num+1][index][0] = dema;}
if(bar < Bars – 2)
tmp[num ][index][0] = tmp[num ][index][1] + alpha*(price – tmp[num ][index][1]);
tmp[num+1][index][0] = tmp[num+1][index][1] + alpha*(tmp[num][index][0] – tmp[num+1][index][1]);
dema = tmp[num ][index][0]*(1+v) – tmp[num+1][index][0]*v;


// MA_Method=11: T3 by T.Tillson
double T3_basic(int index,int num,int price,int per,double v,int bar)
double dema1, dema2;

if(bar == Bars – 2)
double T3 = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);
for(int k=0;k<6;k++) tmp[num+k][index][0] = T3;
if(bar < Bars – 2)
T3 = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);
dema1 = DEMAOnArray(index,num ,T3 ,per,v,bar);
dema2 = DEMAOnArray(index,num+2,dema1,per,v,bar);
T3 = DEMAOnArray(index,num+4,dema2,per,v,bar);


double T3_basicOnArray(int index,int num,double price,int per,double v,int bar)
double dema1, dema2;

if(bar == Bars – 2)
double T3 = price;
for(int k=0;k<6;k++) tmp[num+k][index][0] = price;
if(bar < Bars – 2)
dema1 = DEMAOnArray(index,num ,price,per,v,bar);
dema2 = DEMAOnArray(index,num+2,dema1,per,v,bar);
T3 = DEMAOnArray(index,num+4,dema2,per,v,bar);


// MA_Method=12: ITrend – Instantaneous Trendline by J.Ehlers
double ITrend(int price,double& array[],int per,int bar)
double alfa = 2.0/(per + 1);
if(bar < Bars – 7)
double it = (alfa – 0.25*alfa*alfa)*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar) + 0.5*alfa*alfa*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+1)
– (alfa – 0.75*alfa*alfa)*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+2) + 2*(1-alfa)*array[1] – (1-alfa)*(1-alfa)*array[2];
it = (iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar) + 2*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+1) + iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar)+2)/4;


double ITrendOnArray(double& price[],double& array[],int per,int bar)
double alfa = 2.0/(per+1);
if(bar < Bars – 7)
double it = (alfa – 0.25*alfa*alfa)*price[bar] + 0.5*alfa*alfa*price[bar+1] – (alfa – 0.75*alfa*alfa)*price[bar+2] +
2*(1-alfa)*array[1] – (1-alfa)*(1-alfa)*array[2];
it = (price[bar] + 2*price[bar+1] + price[bar+2])/4;

// MA_Method=13: Median – Moving Median
double Median(int price,int per,int bar)
double array[];

for(int i = 0; i < per;i++) array[i] = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+i);

int num = MathRound((per-1)/2);
if(MathMod(per,2) > 0) double median = array[num]; else median = 0.5*(array[num]+array[num+1]);


double MedianOnArray(double& price[],int per,int bar)
double array[];

for(int i = 0; i < per;i++) array[i] = price[bar+i];

int num = MathRound((per-1)/2);
if(MathMod(per,2) > 0) double median = array[num]; else median = 0.5*(array[num]+array[num+1]);

// MA_Method=14: GeoMean – Geometric Mean
double GeoMean(int price,int per,int bar)
if(bar < Bars – per)
double gmean = MathPow(iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar),1.0/per);
for(int i = 1; i < per;i++) gmean *= MathPow(iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+i),1.0/per);


double GeoMeanOnArray(double& price[],int per,int bar)
if(bar < Bars – per)
double gmean = MathPow(price[bar],1.0/per);
for(int i = 1; i < per;i++) gmean *= MathPow(price[bar+i],1.0/per);

// MA_Method=15: REMA – Regularized EMA by Chris Satchwell
double REMA(int price,double& array[],int per,double lambda,int bar)
double alpha = 2.0/(per + 1);
if(bar >= Bars – 3) double rema = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);
rema = (array[1]*(1+2*lambda) + alpha*(iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar) – array[1]) – lambda*array[2])/(1+lambda);


double REMAOnArray(double price,double& array[],int per,double lambda,int bar)
double alpha = 2.0/(per + 1);
if(bar >= Bars – 3) double rema = price;
rema = (array[1]*(1+2*lambda) + alpha*(price – array[1]) – lambda*array[2])/(1+lambda);

// MA_Method=16: ILRS – Integral of Linear Regression Slope
double ILRS(int price,int per,int bar)
double sum = per*(per-1)*0.5;
double sum2 = (per-1)*per*(2*per-1)/6.0;

double sum1 = 0;
double sumy = 0;
for(int i=0;i<per;i++)
sum1 += i*iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+i);
sumy += iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+i);
double num1 = per*sum1 – sum*sumy;
double num2 = sum*sum – per*sum2;

if(num2 != 0) double slope = num1/num2; else slope = 0;
double ilrs = slope + SMA(price,per,bar);


double ILRSOnArray(double& price[],int per,int bar)
double sum = per*(per-1)*0.5;
double sum2 = (per-1)*per*(2*per-1)/6.0;

double sum1 = 0;
double sumy = 0;
for(int i=0;i<per;i++)
sum1 += i*price[bar+i];
sumy += price[bar+i];
double num1 = per*sum1 – sum*sumy;
double num2 = sum*sum – per*sum2;

if(num2 != 0) double slope = num1/num2; else slope = 0;
double ilrs = slope + SMAOnArray(price,per,bar);

// MA_Method=17: IE/2 – Combination of LSMA and ILRS
double IE2(int price,int per,int bar)
double ie = 0.5*(ILRS(price,per,bar) + LSMA(price,per,bar));


double IE2OnArray(double& price[],int per,int bar)
double ie = 0.5*(ILRSOnArray(price,per,bar) + LSMAOnArray(price,per,bar));


// MA_Method=18: TriMAgen – Triangular Moving Average Generalized by J.Ehlers
double TriMA_gen(int price,int per,int bar)
int len1 = MathFloor((per+1)*0.5);
int len2 = MathCeil((per+1)*0.5);
double sum=0;
for(int i = 0;i < len2;i++) sum += SMA(price,len1,bar+i);
double trimagen = sum/len2;


double TriMA_genOnArray(double& array[],int per,int bar)
int len1 = MathFloor((per+1)*0.5);
int len2 = MathCeil((per+1)*0.5);
double sum=0;
for(int i = 0;i < len2;i++) sum += SMAOnArray(array,len1,bar+i);
double trimagen = sum/len2;


// MA_Method=19: VWMA – Volume Weighted Moving Average
double VWMA(int price,int per,int bar)
double Sum = 0;
double Weight = 0;

for(int i = 0;i < per;i++)
Weight+= Volume[bar+i];
Sum += iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+i)*Volume[bar+i];
if(Weight>0) double vwma = Sum/Weight;
else vwma = 0;

double VWMAOnArray(double& array[],int per,int bar)
double Sum = 0;
double Weight = 0;

for(int i = 0;i < per;i++)
Weight+= Volume[bar+i];
Sum += array[bar+i]*Volume[bar+i];
if(Weight>0) double vwma = Sum/Weight;
else vwma = 0;
// MA_Method=20: JSmooth – Smoothing by Mark Jurik
double JSmooth(int index,int num,int price,int per,double pow,int bar)
double beta = 0.45*(per-1)/(0.45*(per-1)+2);
double alpha = MathPow(beta,pow);
double ima = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);

if(bar == Bars – 2)
tmp[num+4][index][0] = ima;
tmp[num+0][index][0] = ima;
tmp[num+2][index][0] = ima;
if(bar < Bars – 2)
tmp[num+0][index][0] = (1-alpha)*ima + alpha*tmp[num+0][index][1];
tmp[num+1][index][0] = (ima – tmp[num+0][index][0])*(1-beta) + beta*tmp[num+1][index][1];
tmp[num+2][index][0] = tmp[num+0][index][0] + tmp[num+1][index][0];
tmp[num+3][index][0] = (tmp[num+2][index][0] – tmp[num+4][index][1])*MathPow((1-alpha),2) + MathPow(alpha,2)*tmp[num+3][index][1];
tmp[num+4][index][0] = tmp[num+4][index][1] + tmp[num+3][index][0];


double JSmoothOnArray(int index,int num,double price,int per,double pow,int bar)
double beta = 0.45*(per-1)/(0.45*(per-1)+2);
double alpha = MathPow(beta,pow);

if(bar == Bars – 2) {tmp[num+4][index][0] = price; tmp[num+0][index][0] = price; tmp[num+2][index][0] = price;}
if(bar < Bars – 2)
tmp[num+0][index][0] = (1-alpha)*price + alpha*tmp[num+0][index][1];
tmp[num+1][index][0] = (price – tmp[num+0][index][0])*(1-beta) + beta*tmp[num+1][index][1];
tmp[num+2][index][0] = tmp[num+0][index][0] + tmp[num+1][index][0];
tmp[num+3][index][0] = (tmp[num+2][index][0] – tmp[num+4][index][1])*MathPow((1-alpha),2) + MathPow(alpha,2)*tmp[num+3][index][1];
tmp[num+4][index][0] = tmp[num+4][index][1] + tmp[num+3][index][0];

// MA_Method=21: SMA_eq – Simplified SMA
double SMA_eq(int price,double& array[],int per,int bar)
if(bar == Bars – per) double sma = SMA(price,per,bar);
if(bar < Bars – per) sma = (iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar) – iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+per))/per + array[1];


double SMA_eqOnArray(double& price[],double& array[],int per,int bar)
if(bar == Bars – per) double sma = SMAOnArray(price,per,bar);
if(bar < Bars – per) sma = (price[bar] – price[bar+per])/per + array[1];

// MA_Method=22: ALMA by Arnaud Legoux / Dimitris Kouzis-Loukas / Anthony Cascino
double ALMA(int price,int per,double offset,double sigma,int bar)
double m = MathFloor(offset * (per – 1));
double s = per/sigma;

double w, sum =0, wsum = 0;
for (int i=0;i < per;i++)
w = MathExp(-((i – m)*(i – m))/(2*s*s));
wsum += w;
sum += iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar+(per-1-i))*w;

if(wsum != 0) double alma = sum/wsum;


double ALMAOnArray(double& price[],int per,double offset,double sigma,int bar)
double m = MathFloor(offset * (per – 1));
double s = per/sigma;

double w, sum =0, wsum = 0;
for (int i=0;i < per;i++)
w = MathExp(-((i – m)*(i – m))/(2*s*s));
wsum += w;
sum += price[bar+(per-1-i)]*w;

if(wsum != 0) double alma = sum/wsum;


// MA_Method=23: TEMA – Triple Exponential Moving Average by Patrick Mulloy
double TEMA(int index,int price,int per,double v,int bar)
double alpha = 2.0/(per+1);
double ima = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);
if(bar == Bars – 2) {tmp[0][index][0] = ima; tmp[1][index][0] = ima; tmp[2][index][0] = ima;}
if(bar < Bars – 2)
tmp[0][index][0] = tmp[0][index][1] + alpha *(ima – tmp[0][index][1]);
tmp[1][index][0] = tmp[1][index][1] + alpha *(tmp[0][index][0] – tmp[1][index][1]);
tmp[2][index][0] = tmp[2][index][1] + alpha *(tmp[1][index][0] – tmp[2][index][1]);
tmp[3][index][0] = tmp[0][index][0] + v*(tmp[0][index][0] + v*(tmp[0][index][0]-tmp[1][index][0]) – tmp[1][index][0] – v*(tmp[1][index][0] – tmp[2][index][0]));


double TEMAOnArray(int index,double price,int per,double v,int bar)
double alpha = 2.0/(per+1);

if(bar == Bars – 2) {tmp[0][index][0] = price; tmp[1][index][0] = price; tmp[2][index][0] = price;}
if(bar < Bars – 2)
tmp[0][index][0] = tmp[0][index][1] + alpha *(price – tmp[0][index][1]);
tmp[1][index][0] = tmp[1][index][1] + alpha *(tmp[0][index][0] – tmp[1][index][1]);
tmp[2][index][0] = tmp[2][index][1] + alpha *(tmp[1][index][0] – tmp[2][index][1]);
tmp[3][index][0] = tmp[0][index][0] + v*(tmp[0][index][0] + v*(tmp[0][index][0]-tmp[1][index][0]) – tmp[1][index][0] – v*(tmp[1][index][0] – tmp[2][index][0]));

// MA_Method=24: T3 by T.Tillson (correct version)
double T3(int index,int num,double price,int per,double v,int bar)
double len = MathMax((per + 5.0)/3.0-1,1), dema1, dema2;
double T3, ima = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);

if(bar == Bars – 2) for(int k=0;k<6;k++) tmp[num+k][index][0] = ima;
if(bar < Bars – 2)
dema1 = DEMAOnArray(index,num ,ima ,len,v,bar);
dema2 = DEMAOnArray(index,num+2,dema1,len,v,bar);
T3 = DEMAOnArray(index,num+4,dema2,len,v,bar);


double T3OnArray(int index,int num,double price,int per,double v,int bar)
double len = MathMax((per + 5.0)/3.0-1,1), dema1, dema2;

if(bar == Bars – 2)
double T3 = price;
for(int k=0;k<6;k++) tmp[num+k][index][0] = T3;
if(bar < Bars – 2)
dema1 = DEMAOnArray(index,num ,price,len,v,bar);
dema2 = DEMAOnArray(index,num+2,dema1,len,v,bar);
T3 = DEMAOnArray(index,num+4,dema2,len,v,bar);


// MA_Method=25: Laguerre filter by J.Ehlers
double Laguerre(int index,int price,int per,int order,int bar)
double gamma = 1-10.0/(per+9);
double ima = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,0,price,bar);
double aPrice[];


for(int i=0;i<order;i++)
if(bar >= Bars – order) tmp[i][index][0] = ima;
if(i == 0) tmp[i][index][0] = (1 – gamma)*ima + gamma*tmp[i][index][1];
tmp[i][index][0] = -gamma * tmp[i-1][index][0] + tmp[i-1][index][1] + gamma * tmp[i][index][1];

aPrice[i] = tmp[i][index][0];
double laguerre = TriMA_genOnArray(aPrice,order,0);


double LaguerreOnArray(int index,double price,int per,int order,int bar)
double gamma = 1-10.0/(per+9);
double aPrice[];


for(int i=0;i<order;i++)
if(bar >= Bars – order) tmp[i][index][0] = price;
if(i == 0) tmp[i][index][0] = (1 – gamma)*price + gamma*tmp[i][index][1];
tmp[i][index][0] = -gamma * tmp[i-1][index][0] + tmp[i-1][index][1] + gamma * tmp[i][index][1];

aPrice[i] = tmp[i][index][0];
double laguerre = TriMA_genOnArray(aPrice,order,0);



double getPivots(int type,double& price[],int size,double height)
if(type < 2) int len = 2*MathMax(1,size) + 1; else len = size;

int imax = 0, imin = 0;
double max = 0, min = 100000000;

for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
if((type == 0 || type == 2) && price[i] > max && price[i] < 1000000) {max = price[i]; imax = i;}
if((type == 1 || type == 3) && price[i] < min ) {min = price[i]; imin = i;}

if(type < 2)
if(imax == size && max – price[0] > height && max – price[len-1] > height) return(max);
if(imin == size && price[0] – min > height && price[len-1] – min > height) return(min);
if(type == 2) return(max);
if(type == 3) return(min);


double stdDev(double& array[],int length)
double avg = 0;
for (int i=0;i<length;i++) avg += array[i]/length;

double sum = 0;
for (i=0;i<length;i++) sum += MathPow(array[i] – avg,2);

bool isNewBar(int tf)
static datetime pTime;
bool res=false;

if(tf >= 0)
if (iTime(NULL,tf,0)!= pTime)
else res = true;


bool BoxAlert(bool cond,string text)
string mess = IndicatorName + “(“+Symbol()+”,”+TF + “)” + text;

if (cond && mess != prevmess)
Alert (mess);
prevmess = mess;


bool Pause(int sec)
if(TimeCurrent() >= preTime + sec) {preTime = TimeCurrent(); return(true);}


void WarningSound(bool cond,int num,int sec,string sound,datetime ctime)
static int i;

if(ctime != ptime) i = 0;
if(i < num && Pause(sec)) {PlaySound(sound); ptime = ctime; i++;}

bool EmailAlert(bool cond,string text1,string text2,int num)
string subj = “New ” + text1 +” Signal from ” + IndicatorName + “!!!”;
string mess = IndicatorName + “(“+Symbol()+”,”+TF + “)” + text2;

if (cond && mess != prevemail)
if(subj != “” && mess != “”) for(int i=0;i<num;i++) SendMail(subj, mess);
prevemail = mess;


string tf(int timeframe)
case PERIOD_M1: return(“M1”);
case PERIOD_M5: return(“M5”);
case PERIOD_M15: return(“M15”);
case PERIOD_M30: return(“M30”);
case PERIOD_H1: return(“H1”);
case PERIOD_H4: return(“H4”);
case PERIOD_D1: return(“D1”);
case PERIOD_W1: return(“W1”);
case PERIOD_MN1: return(“MN1”);
default: return(“Unknown timeframe”);


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