MT5 Indicators

MT5 Indicators


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MT5 Indicators

+–MT5 Indicators
| +–3d_oscilator.ex5
| +–4_ma_candles.ex5
| +–AATR.ex5
| +–absolutestrength_v2.ex5
| +–Adaptive ATR channel.ex5
| +–adaptiverenko.ex5
| +–Adaptive_Laguerre_filter_2.ex5
| +–ADMIR.ex5
| +–ADXm.ex5
| +–afirma.ex5
| +–alfos.ex5
| +–amka.ex5
| +–APR.ex5
| +–Aroon_oscillator_2.ex5
| +–asctrend.ex5
| +–ATR adaptive smooth Laguerre RSI (dlvl).ex5
| +–ATR Trend envelopes.ex5
| +–Average penetration bars.ex5
| +–Average penetration histogram.ex5
| +–awesome_oscillator_divergence.ex5
| +–Balance of Market Power.ex5
| +–bb_price_on_channel.ex5
| +–BB_stops.ex5
| +–beginner.ex5
| +–Blau_-_T3_ergodic_candlestick_oscillator_1.02.ex5
| +–BoDi.ex5
| +–Bogie_Osc.ex5
| +–Bollinger bands squeeze.ex5
| +–Bollinger_Bandwidth_Delta.ex5
| +–braintrend2.ex5
| +–BrainTrend2SigAlert.ex5
| +–brakeexp.ex5
| +–brakema.ex5
| +–Breakout.ex5
| +–breakoutbarstrend.ex5
| +–bsi.ex5
| +–bvsb.ex5
| +–bw-zonetrade.ex5
| +–BykovTrendAlert.ex5
| +–CADX.ex5
| +–CandleColorCounter.ex5
| +–CandleStop_System_Alert.ex5
| +–Candle_Range_Envelop.ex5
| +–Candle_Ratio.ex5
| +–CCI squeeze mtf.ex5
| +–Cci (alternative).ex5
| +–CCI – T3 based.ex5
| +–CCI of average (fl).ex5
| +–CCI of average.ex5
| +–CCI variation.ex5
| +–CCI_Dots.ex5
| +–CCI_OBOS_Crossover.ex5
| +–cci_t3.ex5
| +–Center of Gravity – extended.ex5
| +–chandelier_exit.ex5
| +–chandes_dmi.ex5
| +–chanellonparabolic.ex5
| +–cho.ex5
| +–Choppy market index.ex5
| +–chv.ex5
| +–cmo.ex5
| +–colormetro.ex5
| +–colorrsi_htf.ex5
| +–colortrend_cf.ex5
| +–color_parabolic.ex5
| +–Composite index.ex5
| +–Consensus_of_Five.ex5
| +–Coppock.ex5
| +–Corr generalized DEMA.ex5
| +–Corr_velocity.ex5
| +–Cronex_T_RSI_BBSW_sub.ex5
| +–Cumulative_Volume.ex5
| +–Cutler_RSI.ex5
| +–CVI.ex5
| +–cybercycle.ex5
| +–darvasboxes.ex5
| +–demarker.ex5
| +–DEMA_Range_Channel_Alert.ex5
| +–DEROSC.ex5
| +–Difference2.ex5
| +–Directional momentum of average.ex5
| +–disparityindex.ex5
| +–dma.ex5
| +–donchian_channels.ex5
| +–Donchian_Channels_System.ex5
| +–Doteki Heikin Ashi.ex5
| +–dots.ex5
| +–double_smoothed_stochastic_1_1t17.ex5
| +–DPO_Bar.ex5
| +–drsi_2.ex5
| +–Drunkard walk.ex5
| +–DSL QQE histo.ex5
| +–DSL synthetic ema momentum.ex5
| +–DSS ratio.ex5
| +–dssbressert.ex5
| +–Dtosc.ex5
| +–Dynamic balance point.ex5
| +–Dynamic_Trend.ex5
| +–dynamic_trend_cleaned_up.ex5
| +–Efficiency ratio directional levels.ex5
| +–Ehlers Fisher transform (original).ex5
| +–Ehlers inverse fisher transform of smoothed rsi.ex5
| +–ElderImpulse.ex5
| +–Elliot oscillator simple.ex5
| +–ema-crossover_signal.ex5
| +–emaangle.ex5
| +–entropy.ex5
| +–extrapolator.ex5
| +–Far-MACD-Colored-ZeroLag.ex5
| +–Filtered Deviation scaled MA.ex5
| +–Filtered price.ex5
| +–fish.ex5
| +–Fisher RVI.ex5
| +–fisher_org_v1.ex5
| +–flat.ex5
| +–Flat_Trend.ex5
| +–Force index – JMA.ex5
| +–force_index.ex5
| +–Forecast.ex5
| +–Four horizontal lines.ex5
| +–fp.ex5
| +–fractalama_mbk.ex5
| +–fractalchannel.ex5
| +–FVE.ex5
| +–Gann_high-low_activator.ex5
| +–gaussian_filter.ex5
| +–Generalized double DEMA.ex5
| +–Glitch_Index.ex5
| +–guppy_mma_of_double_smoothed_ema.ex5
| +–Harami.ex5
| +–heiken_ashi.ex5
| +–Higher Highs & Lower Lows.ex5
| +–hlr.ex5
| +–Hurst_Oscillator.ex5
| +–i-impulsesystem.ex5
| +–i-OneThird.ex5
| +–ibbfill2.ex5
| +–IdeaTrend.ex5
| +–IMI.ex5
| +–Impulse.ex5
| +–Instantaneous trendline levels.ex5
| +–Intraday channel breakout.ex5
| +–is7n_trend.ex5
| +–iVAR.ex5
| +–Juice ema deviation – advanced.ex5
| +–Juice.ex5
| +–JuiceZ.ex5
| +–KAMA.ex5
| +–karacatica.ex5
| +–karpenko.ex5
| +–Kase dev-stops.ex5
| +–KDJ Indicator.ex5
| +–Keltner channel – smooth ATR.ex5
| +–keltner_channel.ex5
| +–keltner_channel315.ex5
| +–keltner_channel_oscillator.ex5
| +–Key_Reversal.ex5
| +–Kijun-Sen_alerts21o.ex5
| +–Laguerre filter – ng.ex5
| +–Laguerre_RSI_with_Laguerre_filter.ex5
| +–LBR_Paint_Bars.ex5
| +–Leader EMA.ex5
| +–leader_of_the_macd.ex5
| +–lemansignal.ex5
| +–lnx_cci.ex5
| +–LSMA trend.ex5
| +–Lyapunov_HP.ex5
| +–macdonrsi.ex5
| +–macd_divergence.ex5
| +–macd_histogram_mc.ex5
| +–MACD_Squeeze.ex5
| +–maenv_02b.ex5
| +–mama.ex5
| +–MA_Difference.ex5
| +–MA_ribbon_1.1.ex5
| +–McClellan_Oscillator.ex5
| +–McClellan_Summation_Index.ex5
| +–mfi.ex5
| +–MI.ex5
| +–Minions.3RulesMACD_Patterns.ex5
| +–Minions.Hikkake.ex5
| +–MinMax.ex5
| +–MMI.ex5
| +–ModifiedStdDev.ex5
| +–Mogalef bands.ex5
| +–Momentum of average (dlvl).ex5
| +–mpc.ex5
| +–Multi pass moving average filter.ex5
| +–nduet.ex5
| +–nearest_neighbor_-_weighted_corr.ex5
| +–NHNL.ex5
| +–nonlagdot.ex5
| +–nonlag_ma.ex5
| +–Normalized smoothed MACD.ex5
| +–Normalized_MACD.ex5
| +–Notis.ex5
| +–OBOS.ex5
| +–Omni_Trend.ex5
| +–oracle.ex5
| +–Ozymandias_System_Alert.ex5
| +–PA adaptive RSX.ex5
| +–Pain.ex5
| +–PC.ex5
| +–pcci.ex5
| +–PDO.ex5
| +–percentagecrossoverchannel.ex5
| +–pfe2.ex5
| +–Pivotal points.ex5
| +–POB.ex5
| +–powertrend.ex5
| +–PPMCC.ex5
| +–Precision_Trend_vhisto8.ex5
| +–Premium stochastic.ex5
| +–Prevailing_Trend.ex5
| +–pricechannel_stop.ex5
| +–price_channel.ex5
| +–Projection_Oscillator.ex5
| +–PTL.ex5
| +–PVT.ex5
| +–QQE of velocity – mtf.ex5
| +–Quantile_bands_-_generalized.ex5
| +–QWMA_ca.ex5
| +–Rainbow_Volume.ex5
| +–Ranbow oscillator.ex5
| +–Random walk index.ex5
| +–Range oscillator + bands.ex5
| +–Range weighted average MACD.ex5
| +–Range_Volume_Ratio_S.ex5
| +–RAVI iFish.ex5
| +–RBVI.ex5
| +–Recursive_CCI.ex5
| +–Relative Price Channel.ex5
| +–Relative_volatility_index.ex5
| +–Repulse.ex5
| +–ReverseMinMax.ex5
| +–Reverse_MACD.ex5
| +–Rj_SlidingRangeRj_Digit_System_Alert.ex5
| +–RMO.ex5
| +–roc.ex5
| +–RocketRSI.ex5
| +–RSI candles – smoothed.ex5
| +–Rsi divergence candles.ex5
| +–RSI of JMA.ex5
| +–RSI with RSI.mq5
| +–RSICandleKeltner.ex5
| +–rsifilter.ex5
| +–rsi_floating_levels_2.ex5
| +–rsi_of_macd_double.ex5
| +–rsi_strike.ex5
| +–Rsx QQE.ex5
| +–rvi_bars.ex5
| +–r_gator.ex5
| +–r_ma.ex5
| +–Sadukey.ex5
| +–Schaff trend CCI.ex5
| +–Schaff trend cycle – tema.ex5
| +–Schaff trend Jurik volty adaptive RSX.ex5
| +–schaff_trend_cycle.ex5
| +–Set_Of_Averages.ex5
| +–Sigmoidal normalized T3.ex5
| +–silence.ex5
| +–silvertrend_signal.ex5
| +–Simple oscillator.ex5
| +–simplebars_v2.ex5
| +–Simple_Decycler.ex5
| +–Slope_MA_Confirmation.ex5
| +–Smooth ATR.ex5
| +–Smoothed_repulse_2.ex5
| +–Spearman rank fl.ex5
| +–spearmanrankcorrelation.ex5
| +–spectr.ex5
| +–Split_MA.ex5
| +–SRange_Contraction.ex5
| +–SSD_With_Histogram.ex5
| +–SSS.ex5
| +–STARC_bands.ex5
| +–STD Trend envelopes of averages – mtf.ex5
| +–Step average (atr based).ex5
| +–Stochastic extended (fl).ex5
| +–Stochastic of filtered price.ex5
| +–Stochastic RVI lvl.ex5
| +–stochastic_of_adaptive_smoother.ex5
| +–Stochastic_ROC.ex5
| +–stodiv.ex5
| +–Stripped T3 levels.ex5
| +–Super trend.ex5
| +–SuperTrend_Dot.ex5
| +–Super_SAR.ex5
| +–super_trend_hull.ex5
| +–SVSI.ex5
| +–Swami stochastic.ex5
| +–swingindex.ex5
| +–Synthetic VIX.ex5
| +–SZO.ex5
| +–T3_Price_Overlay.ex5
| +–t3_velocity_2.ex5
| +–Tarzan.ex5
| +–TCI.ex5
| +–Tema – Jurik volty adaptive.ex5
| +–temab.ex5
| +–Tim Morris MA.ex5
| +–Time Fractal Energy adaptive Laguerre RSI.ex5
| +–tma.ex5
| +–TMAGi.ex5
| +–TQ.ex5
| +–Trading the trend.ex5
| +–Trend continuation factor.ex5
| +–Trend envelopes – of averages – histo.ex5
| +–Trend envelopes – parabolic weighted MA.ex5
| +–Trend scalp.ex5
| +–trendmagic.ex5
| +–Trend_Angle.ex5
| +–trend_manager.ex5
| +–Trend_Range.ex5
| +–Trend_Score.ex5
| +–Triangular moving average.ex5
| +–trinity-impulse.ex5
| +–triplebolling.ex5
| +–trixcandle.ex5
| +–TriXCandleKeltner.ex5
| +–TTM trend.ex5
| +–TTMS.ex5
| +–universaloscillator.ex5
| +–val_bands.ex5
| +–vema_macd.ex5
| +–Vidya.ex5
| +–Vidya_zone.ex5
| +–Volatility adjusted RSI.ex5
| +–Volatility adjusted WPR.ex5
| +–Volatility quality.ex5
| +–Volume weighted awesome oscillator.ex5
| +–Volume zone oscillator – fl.ex5
| +–Vortex.ex5
| +–Vortex_Trend.ex5
| +–vroc.ex5
| +–vwap_bands.ex5
| +–wajdyss_Ichimoku_Candle_Alert.ex5
| +–watr.ex5
| +–WCCI.ex5
| +–Wilders DMI – averages.ex5
| +–Wilson Relative Price Channel – mod.ex5
| +–Wiseman.ex5
| +–WmiVol_Pluse.ex5
| +–woodiescci.ex5
| +–WPR candles.ex5
| +–wprfix.ex5
| +–wprsisignal.ex5
| +–WPVH.ex5
| +–zerolag_macd.ex5
| +–zerolag_tema_bars.ex5
| +–ZLS.ex5


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