Fractal - channel breakout 1.01

Fractal - channel breakout 1.01最新版

更新日期:2022-03-14分类标签: 语言:中文平台:没限制

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//| Fractals – adjustable period |
#property link “”
#property copyright “”
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 8
#property strict


enum enDisplay
en_lin, // Display channel
en_his, // Display colored candles
en_all, // Display channel and candles
en_lid, // Display channel with dots
en_hid, // Display colored candles with dots
en_ald, // Display channel and candles with dots
en_dot // Display dots
enum enTimeFrames
tf_cu = 0, // Current time frame
tf_m1 = PERIOD_M1, // 1 minute
tf_m5 = PERIOD_M5, // 5 minutes
tf_m15 = PERIOD_M15, // 15 minutes
tf_m30 = PERIOD_M30, // 30 minutes
tf_h1 = PERIOD_H1, // 1 hour
tf_h4 = PERIOD_H4, // 4 hours
tf_d1 = PERIOD_D1, // Daily
tf_w1 = PERIOD_W1, // Weekly
tf_mb1 = PERIOD_MN1, // Monthly
tf_cus = 12345678 // Custom time frame

extern enTimeFrames TimeFrame = tf_cu; // Time frame
extern int TimeFrameCustom = 0; // Custom time frame to use (if custom time frame used)
extern int FractalPeriod = 5; // Fractal period 5 = std mt4 fractal
extern ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE PriceHigh = PRICE_HIGH; // Upper fractal price
extern ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE PriceLow = PRICE_LOW; // Lower fractal price
extern enDisplay DisplayType = en_lid; // Display type
extern int BarsWidth = 1; // Bars width (when candles are included in display)
extern int WickWidth = 2; // Wicks width (when candles are included in display)
extern int LinesWidth = 2; // Lines width (when lines are included in display)
extern color UpChannelColor = clrTeal; // Upper channel color
extern color DnChannelColor = clrOrange; // Lower channel color
extern color UpBarsColor = clrTeal; // Up candle color
extern color DnBarsColor = clrOrange; // Down candle color
extern color UpWickColor = clrTeal; // Up wick color
extern color DnWickColor = clrOrange; // Down wick color
extern int UpArrowSize = 2; // Up arrow size
extern int DnArrowSize = 2; // Down arrow size
extern int UpArrowCode = 159; // Up arrow code
extern int DnArrowCode = 159; // Down arrow code
extern double UpArrowGap = 0.5; // Up arrow gap
extern double DnArrowGap = 0.5; // Down arrow gap
extern color UpArrowColor = clrDodgerBlue; // Up Arrow color
extern color DnArrowColor = clrMagenta; // Down Arrow color
extern bool ArrowOnFirst = true; // Arrow on first bars?
extern bool alertsOn = true; // Turn alerts on?
extern bool alertsOnCurrent = false; // Alerts on still opened bar?
extern bool alertsMessage = true; // Alerts should show popup message?
extern bool alertsSound = false; // Alerts should play a sound?
extern bool alertsEmail = false; // Alerts should send email?
extern bool alertsNotify = false; // Alerts should send notification?
input bool showAllBreakOut = true; // Show all breakouts true/false;
extern bool Interpolate = true; // Interpolate in multi timeframe mode?

double histou[];
double histod[];
double wickou[];
double wickod[];
double upper[];
double lower[];
double arrowu[];
double arrowd[];
double trend[];
string indicatorFileName;
bool returnBars;

//| |

int init()
int lstyle = DRAW_LINE; if (DisplayType==en_his || DisplayType==en_hid || DisplayType==en_dot) lstyle = DRAW_NONE;
int hstyle = DRAW_HISTOGRAM; if (DisplayType==en_lin || DisplayType==en_lid || DisplayType==en_dot) hstyle = DRAW_NONE;
int astyle = DRAW_ARROW; if (DisplayType<en_lid) astyle = DRAW_NONE;
SetIndexBuffer(0, histou); SetIndexStyle(0, hstyle,EMPTY,BarsWidth,UpBarsColor);
SetIndexBuffer(1, histod); SetIndexStyle(1, hstyle,EMPTY,BarsWidth,DnBarsColor);
SetIndexBuffer(2, wickou); SetIndexStyle(2, hstyle,EMPTY,WickWidth,UpWickColor);
SetIndexBuffer(3, wickod); SetIndexStyle(3, hstyle,EMPTY,WickWidth,DnWickColor);
SetIndexBuffer(4, upper); SetIndexStyle(4, lstyle,EMPTY,LinesWidth,UpChannelColor);
SetIndexBuffer(5, lower); SetIndexStyle(5, lstyle,EMPTY,LinesWidth,DnChannelColor);
SetIndexBuffer(6, arrowu); SetIndexStyle(6, astyle,0,UpArrowSize,UpArrowColor); SetIndexArrow(6,UpArrowCode);
SetIndexBuffer(7, arrowd); SetIndexStyle(7, astyle,0,DnArrowSize,DnArrowColor); SetIndexArrow(7,DnArrowCode);
SetIndexBuffer(8, trend);

indicatorFileName = WindowExpertName();
returnBars = TimeFrame==-99;
if (TimeFrameCustom==0) TimeFrameCustom = MathMax(TimeFrameCustom,_Period);
if (TimeFrame!=tf_cus)
TimeFrame = MathMax(TimeFrame,_Period);
else TimeFrame = (enTimeFrames)TimeFrameCustom;

int deinit() { return(0); }

//| |

int start()
int i,counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars–;
int limit = fmin(Bars-counted_bars,Bars-1);
if (returnBars) { histou[0] = limit+1; return(0); }


if (TimeFrame == Period())
int half = FractalPeriod/2;
for(i=limit; i>=0; i–)
if (i<Bars-1)
int r;
bool found = true;
double compareTo = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,PriceHigh,i);
for (r=1;r<=half;r++)
if ((i+r)<Bars && iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,PriceHigh,i+r)> compareTo) { found=false; break; }
if ((i-r)>=0 && iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,PriceHigh,i-r)>=compareTo) { found=false; break; }
if (found) upper[i] = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,PriceHigh,i);
else upper[i] = upper[i+1];


found = true;
compareTo = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,PriceLow,i);
for (r=1;r<=half;r++)
if ((i+r)<Bars && iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,PriceLow,i+r)< compareTo) { found=false; break; }
if ((i-r)>=0 && iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,PriceLow,i-r)<=compareTo) { found=false; break; }
if (found) lower[i] = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,PriceLow,i);
else lower[i] = lower[i+1];

histou[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
histod[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
wickou[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
wickod[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
arrowu[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
arrowd[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
trend[i] = (i<Bars-1 && !showAllBreakOut) ? trend[i+1] : 0;
if (Close[i]>upper[i]) trend[i] = 1;
if (Close[i]<lower[i]) trend[i] =-1;

if (trend[i]== 1) { histod[i] = Low[i]; histou[i] = High[i]; wickou[i] = fmax(Open[i],Close[i]);wickod[i] = fmin(Open[i],Close[i]);}
if (trend[i]==-1) { histou[i] = Low[i]; histod[i] = High[i]; wickou[i] = fmin(Open[i],Close[i]);wickod[i] = fmax(Open[i],Close[i]);}


if (i<Bars-1 && trend[i]!=trend[i+1])
if (trend[i] == 1) arrowu[i] = fmin(upper[i],Low[i] )-iATR(NULL,0,15,i)*UpArrowGap;
if (trend[i] == -1) arrowd[i] = fmax(lower[i],High[i])+iATR(NULL,0,15,i)*DnArrowGap;


if (alertsOn)
int whichBar = 1; if (alertsOnCurrent) whichBar = 0;
if (trend[whichBar] != trend[whichBar+1])
if (trend[whichBar] == 1) doAlert(whichBar,”breaking up”);
if (trend[whichBar] ==-1) doAlert(whichBar,”breaking down”);


limit = (int)MathMax(limit,MathMin(Bars-1,iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,indicatorFileName,-99,0,0)*TimeFrame/Period()));
for (i=limit; i>=0; i–)
int y = iBarShift(NULL,TimeFrame,Time[i]);
int x = y;
if (ArrowOnFirst)
{ if (i<Bars-1) x = iBarShift(NULL,TimeFrame,Time[i+1]); }
else { if (i>0) x = iBarShift(NULL,TimeFrame,Time[i-1]); else x = -1; }
upper[i] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,indicatorFileName,tf_cu,0,FractalPeriod,PriceHigh,PriceLow,DisplayType,0,0,0,UpChannelColor,DnChannelColor,UpBarsColor,DnBarsColor,UpWickColor,DnWickColor,UpArrowSize,DnArrowSize,UpArrowCode,DnArrowCode,UpArrowGap,DnArrowGap,UpArrowColor,DnArrowColor,false,alertsOn,alertsOnCurrent,alertsMessage,alertsSound,alertsEmail,alertsNotify,showAllBreakOut,4,y);
lower[i] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,indicatorFileName,tf_cu,0,FractalPeriod,PriceHigh,PriceLow,DisplayType,0,0,0,UpChannelColor,DnChannelColor,UpBarsColor,DnBarsColor,UpWickColor,DnWickColor,UpArrowSize,DnArrowSize,UpArrowCode,DnArrowCode,UpArrowGap,DnArrowGap,UpArrowColor,DnArrowColor,false,alertsOn,alertsOnCurrent,alertsMessage,alertsSound,alertsEmail,alertsNotify,showAllBreakOut,5,y);
trend[i] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,indicatorFileName,tf_cu,0,FractalPeriod,PriceHigh,PriceLow,DisplayType,0,0,0,UpChannelColor,DnChannelColor,UpBarsColor,DnBarsColor,UpWickColor,DnWickColor,UpArrowSize,DnArrowSize,UpArrowCode,DnArrowCode,UpArrowGap,DnArrowGap,UpArrowColor,DnArrowColor,false,alertsOn,alertsOnCurrent,alertsMessage,alertsSound,alertsEmail,alertsNotify,showAllBreakOut,8,y);
histou[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
histod[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
wickou[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
wickod[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
arrowu[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
arrowd[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if (x!=y)
arrowu[i] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,indicatorFileName,tf_cu,0,FractalPeriod,PriceHigh,PriceLow,DisplayType,0,0,0,UpChannelColor,DnChannelColor,UpBarsColor,DnBarsColor,UpWickColor,DnWickColor,UpArrowSize,DnArrowSize,UpArrowCode,DnArrowCode,UpArrowGap,DnArrowGap,UpArrowColor,DnArrowColor,false,alertsOn,alertsOnCurrent,alertsMessage,alertsSound,alertsEmail,alertsNotify,showAllBreakOut,6,y);
arrowd[i] = iCustom(NULL,TimeFrame,indicatorFileName,tf_cu,0,FractalPeriod,PriceHigh,PriceLow,DisplayType,0,0,0,UpChannelColor,DnChannelColor,UpBarsColor,DnBarsColor,UpWickColor,DnWickColor,UpArrowSize,DnArrowSize,UpArrowCode,DnArrowCode,UpArrowGap,DnArrowGap,UpArrowColor,DnArrowColor,false,alertsOn,alertsOnCurrent,alertsMessage,alertsSound,alertsEmail,alertsNotify,showAllBreakOut,7,y);

if (trend[i]== 1)
histod[i] = Low[i];
histou[i] = High[i];
wickou[i] = fmax(Open[i],Close[i]);
wickod[i] = fmin(Open[i],Close[i]);
if (trend[i]==-1)
histou[i] = Low[i];
histod[i] = High[i];
wickou[i] = fmin(Open[i],Close[i]);
wickod[i] = fmax(Open[i],Close[i]);

if (!Interpolate || (i>0 && y==iBarShift(NULL,TimeFrame,Time[i-1]))) continue;


int n,k; datetime time = iTime(NULL,TimeFrame,y);
for(n = 1; i+n<Bars && Time[i+n] >= time; n++) continue;
for(k = 1; i+n<Bars && i+k<Bars && k<n; k++)
upper[i+k] = upper[i] + (upper[i+n] – upper[i]) * k/n;
lower[i+k] = lower[i] + (lower[i+n] – lower[i]) * k/n;


string sTfTable[] = {“M1″,”M5″,”M15″,”M30″,”H1″,”H4″,”D1″,”W1″,”MN”};
int iTfTable[] = {1,5,15,30,60,240,1440,10080,43200};

string timeFrameToString(int tf)
for (int i=ArraySize(iTfTable)-1; i>=0; i–)
if (tf==iTfTable[i]) return(sTfTable[i]);


void doAlert(int forBar, string doWhat)
static string previousAlert=”nothing”;
static datetime previousTime;
string message;

if (previousAlert != doWhat || previousTime != Time[forBar]) {
previousAlert = doWhat;
previousTime = Time[forBar];


message = StringConcatenate(Symbol(),” “,timeFrameToString(_Period),” at “,TimeToStr(TimeLocal(),TIME_SECONDS),” Fractal Channel “,doWhat);
if (alertsMessage) Alert(message);
if (alertsEmail) SendMail(StringConcatenate(Symbol(),” Fractal Channel “),message);
if (alertsNotify) SendNotification(message);
if (alertsSound) PlaySound(“alert2.wav”);


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