//| vng.mq4 |
#property copyright “Copyright 2018, vng, June 21st 2018”
#property link “vngsignals@gmail.com”
double price_ma_period_fast =21; //slow ma
double price_ma_period_slow =89; //fast ma
double LotSize; //lotsize
double LotFactor = 2; //lotsize factor
double StopLoss=5000; //stop loss
double TakeProfit=75; //take profit
int MagicNumber=1234; //magic
double pips = 0.00001; //leave as default for 5 digit brokers
double adxthreshold = 27; //adx threshold – must be greater than this to trade
double adxperiod = 14; //adx period
double rsiperiod = 14; //rsi period
double rsiupper = 70; //rsi upper bound, wont buy above this value
double rsilower = 30; //rsi lower bound, wont sell below this value
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| expert start function |
int start()
trenddirection(); //find trend direction
logic(); //apply indicator logic
Lot_Volume(); //calc lotsize
buyorsell(); //trade – buy or sell
//insuring its a new candle function
bool IsNewCandle()
static int BarsOnChart=0;
if (Bars == BarsOnChart)
return (false);
BarsOnChart = Bars;
//identifies the direction of the current trend
bool trenddirection()
double pricefastmanow,priceslowmanow;
pricefastmanow = iMA(Symbol(),0,price_ma_period_fast,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
priceslowmanow = iMA(Symbol(),0,price_ma_period_slow,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
if (pricefastmanow < priceslowmanow)// bearish
if (pricefastmanow > priceslowmanow)// bullish
//applies logic from indicators ADX and RSI to determine if we can trade
int logic()
double adx,rsi;
adx = iADX(Symbol(),0,adxperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0);
rsi = iRSI(Symbol(),0,rsiperiod,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
if(adx > adxthreshold)
if(rsi > rsilower && rsi < rsiupper)
//opens trades
int buyorsell()
bool trenddirectionx, logicx;
int TicketNumber;
trenddirectionx = trenddirection();
logicx = logic();
if(OrdersTotal() == 0)
if(trenddirectionx == true && logicx == 1 )
TicketNumber = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,LotSize,Ask,3,Ask-(StopLoss*pips),Ask+(TakeProfit*pips),NULL,MagicNumber,0,Green);
if( TicketNumber > 0 )
Print(“Order placed # “, TicketNumber);
Print(“Order Send failed, error # “, GetLastError() );
if(OrdersTotal() == 0)
if(trenddirectionx == false && logicx == 1 )
TicketNumber = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,LotSize,Bid,3,Bid+(StopLoss*pips),Bid-(TakeProfit*pips),NULL,MagicNumber,0,Red);
if( TicketNumber > 0 )
Print(“Order placed # “, TicketNumber);
Print(“Order Send failed, error # “, GetLastError() );
//calculates lot size based on balance and factor
double Lot_Volume()
double lot;
if (AccountBalance()>=10) lot=0.1;
if (AccountBalance()>=75) lot=0.1;
if (AccountBalance()>=100) lot=0.1;
if (AccountBalance()>=125) lot=0.2;
if (AccountBalance()>=150) lot=0.2;
if (AccountBalance()>=175) lot=0.3;
if (AccountBalance()>=200) lot=0.4;
if (AccountBalance()>=225) lot=0.4;
if (AccountBalance()>=250) lot=0.4;
if (AccountBalance()>=275) lot=0.4;
if (AccountBalance()>=300) lot=0.5;
if (AccountBalance()>=325) lot=0.5;
if (AccountBalance()>=350) lot=0.5;
if (AccountBalance()>=375) lot=0.5;
if (AccountBalance()>=400) lot=0.6;
if (AccountBalance()>=425) lot=0.6;
if (AccountBalance()>=450) lot=0.6;
if (AccountBalance()>=475) lot=0.6;
if (AccountBalance()>=500) lot=0.7;
if (AccountBalance()>=550) lot=0.7;
if (AccountBalance()>=600) lot=0.8;
if (AccountBalance()>=650) lot=0.8;
if (AccountBalance()>=700) lot=0.9;
if (AccountBalance()>=750) lot=0.9;
if (AccountBalance()>=800) lot=0.10;
if (AccountBalance()>=850) lot=0.10;
if (AccountBalance()>=900) lot=0.11;
if (AccountBalance()>=1000) lot=0.12;
if (AccountBalance()>=1500) lot=0.13;
if (AccountBalance()>=2000) lot=0.14;
if (AccountBalance()>=2500) lot=0.15;
if (AccountBalance()>=3000) lot=0.16;
if (AccountBalance()>=3500) lot=1.4;
if (AccountBalance()>=4000) lot=1.6;
if (AccountBalance()>=4500) lot=1.8;
if (AccountBalance()>=5000) lot=2.0;
if (AccountBalance()>=5500) lot=2.2;
if (AccountBalance()>=6000) lot=2.4;
if (AccountBalance()>=7000) lot=2.8;
if (AccountBalance()>=8000) lot=3.2;
if (AccountBalance()>=9000) lot=3.6;
if (AccountBalance()>=10000) lot=4.0;
if (AccountBalance()>=15000) lot=6.0;
if (AccountBalance()>=20000) lot=8.0;
if (AccountBalance()>=30000) lot=12;
if (AccountBalance()>=40000) lot=16;
if (AccountBalance()>=50000) lot=20;
if (AccountBalance()>=60000) lot=24;
if (AccountBalance()>=70000) lot=28;
if (AccountBalance()>=80000) lot=32;
if (AccountBalance()>=90000) lot=36;
if (AccountBalance()>=100000) lot=40;
if (AccountBalance()>=200000) lot=80;